Get Funds to finance your academic issue and pay later
USEF is a fund created by students for students to enable them get instant loan purposed to help them solve the emergency cases especially when the living allowance is pending. Most of cases, we help students to overcome the issues of meal card, registration fees and other educational issues and in return to payment an interest is charged upon the sum provided.
USEF is neither a bank nor a financial institution but a fund for students. USEF serves students and only students and does not interfere in social issues. We only support issues related to academia.
"Universe for the Universe"
Shareholders Loan
As the name implies, this type of loan is available for stakeholders holding shares in Universe Investment Limited and USEF fund. This loan is intended to help shareholders solve simple cases requiring less than Rwf 100,000.0. It is available to an active stakeholder of the company, who is trustworthy and able to pay back the loan before the maturity as specified on the loan contract.
Loyal Loan
The loyal loan is the extension of shareholders loan which exclude limitations to shareholders. This loan type is purposed to enable normal person, especially students to reap the financing from Universe Investment Limited. Eligibility count all normal individuals with 18 years and above who fulfilled the requirements in terms of collateral.
Special Purpose Loan
The special purpose loan is anticipated to provide answer to special issues and unusual cases that require a high sum of money, which is clear, comprehensible and obvious. This loan provides a high sum of money at lower rates comparably. It is available to companies, organizational entities and individual clients above 18 years old.
Quick Loan
The quick loan is the most faster service in our field of loan delivery. It was established to solve the emergencies requiring comparably small amount of principal. The quick loan can be provided to companies, organizational entities and individual clients above 18 years old.
Entity Loan
The experience we got from working with the associations reflected us to introduce the entity loan which is available only to the organizations and associations. The association, cooperative or organization qualified for this loan must have existed for 2 years before and used to work with us at least once but not specifically in financial services.